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Humectants Skin Benefits (The Multi Secret Ingredient)

Humectants Skin Benefits (The Multi Secret Ingredient)

Did you know the sеcrеt of Hydratеd Skin? That's due to the power of Humеctants. It has watеr-attracting ingrеdiеnts that draw moisturе into thе skin. Exploring thеir typеs and prеsеncе in products likе sеrums and lotions, this articlе highlights thе kеy humеctants such as glycеrin and hyaluronic acid. It comparеs humеctants to еmolliеnts and occlusivеs, offеring insights for various skin typеs.
Moisturizer 101: The Science Behind Everyone's Favorite Skincare Product

Moisturizer 101: The Science Behind Everyone's Favorite Skincare Product

Moisturizer options are endless. So how do you choose the right one? Science! We’re sharing the science behind your moisturizer ingredients (plus how to pick the best formula for your skin!).
How to Choose the Best Moisturizer for Your Skin Type

How to Choose the Best Moisturizer for Your Skin Type

It’s arguably the most basic skincare product, but facial moisturizer options are endless. Here’s how to sort through the masses and find your skin-hydrating soulmate!
How and When to Apply Moisturizer on Your Face

How and When to Apply Moisturizer on Your Face

Moisturizing is one of the most essential steps of a skincare routine. Learn all about how to apply moisturizer here.

Men's skincare with a beard

Men’s Grooming 101: The ultimate guide to skincare with a beard

Beard care is all about nourishing the facial hair and skin underneath to keep it clean, hydrated, and flake-free, as well ss keeping your beard soft, smooth, and tamed. Read this for beard care tips that will keep your facial hair looking and feeling healthy.