Castor oil is a battling agent against wrinkles and fighting acne to soothing sunburns. It is an ancient elixir and a powerhouse for skincare. Elevate your skincare routine with the rich, moisturizing properties of castor oil, but tread cautiously, especially if you have pre-existing skin conditions.
Fruit has become a "go-to" ingredient lately in skincare, and with so many benefits of mango for skin suffering from acne, premature aging, dark spots, and dullness, why would you look elsewhere? Read this to find out 10 amazing skincare benefits of mango.
With the right night cream, you'll be able to experience skin revitalization during the time that skin is at its peak of renewal. Using a night cream full of natural extracts will lead to glowing, younger-looking skin in the morning!
As one of the more dominant antioxidants, vitamin A helps to prevent collagen loss and cellular damage to the skin, helping to keep your skin looking youthful.
Full of antioxidants, antibacterial properties, nutrients, and minerals - rose essential oils and extracts are some of the best kept secrets in skincare, treating everything from acne-prone skin to mature, dry skin with ease.
You probably already have a daily skincare routine, but a custom facial takes your visage to the next level. Get your glow on with our step-by-step guide to giving yourself a spa-level facial at home.
We know that apples are great in our daily diets, but what can apples do for us topically? Apple extract is rich in vitamins, essential fatty acids, and phytonutrients that will leave your skin looking more firm and youthful.
Can makeup harm your skin? This is a question people have often asked themselves as they apply pigments to their face and body. Learn what to avoid in makeup, the standard shelf lives of many products, and how to avoid acne, dryness, irritation, and premature aging.
Sebum is an oily substance that your skin makes in the sebaceous glands and when it is produced in a healthy, normal way - it keeps your skin properly hydrated, protected, and it preserves the youth of your skin. If your skin makes too much or not enough sebum, learn how to positively affect the natural mechanics of your skin!
The antioxidant properties in gingko biloba helps keep skin firm, restoring the elasticity lost to free radicals and damage from constant exposure to sunlight’s harmful UV radiation. And because ginkgo biloba is a powerful anti-inflammatory, it reduces redness and irritation.